Friday, May 5, 2023


Expert  Agencies

   Center for Research Projects


 Cell: 9952749533, 8608603634

 Neyveli -  Indra Nagar, Near to Neyveli  Arch GATE also at Chennai and Chidambaram

 IEEE and Non IEEE based Projects For

 Final year students of B.E in EEE, ECE, EIE, Mech, Automobile, Mechatronics ,

M.E (Power Systems)

M.E (Applied Electronics)

M.E (Power Electronics)

M.E (VLSI Design)

M.E ( Control Systems )

M.E ( Process Control )

    Ph.D Electrical and Electronics.

               Power Systems

               Power Electronics

   Students can assemble their hardware in our Research labs. Experts will be guiding the projects.

We provide you with

·         Confirmation letter, Project Estimation, Completion Certificate

·         Abstracts Block Diagram, Circuit Diagram of the project

·         Supporting documents- notes

·         Datasheets, Reference Papers

·         Software tools and Real time support.

·         Online Classes for Master degree and Ph.D   Projects

·         Journal Publication for researchers in Power systems and Power electronics

  Short term  and Online courses

·         C and C++, Embedded C,

·         MicroController 8051,PIC 16F877

·         ARM 7 and ARM 9 Processors

·         MATLAB Fundamental, MATLAB Simpower Systems,

·         MATLAB Control systems

·         MATLAB Fuzzy Toolbox

·         MATLAB  GA , ANN Toolbox

·         Engineering MATHS MI, MII and MIII


       Deregulated Systems, Wind power Generation and Grid connection, Profit based Unit commitment, Economic dispatch, Using AI methods for Voltage stability FLC Control, Transformer Fault Identifications, SCADA in Power system Automation, FireFly Algorithm,  PSO and QPSO , Genetic Algorithm, Fuzzy logic, Artifical Neural networks, PSCAD for Power systems.


 Three phase inverter and   converters, Buck Boost Converter Matrix Converter, Inverter and converter topologies, Fuzzy based control of Electric Drives, Optimal design of Electrical Machines, BLDC and SR motor Drives.


VLSI design of median filter

Filters are linear systems employed for removal of noise from useful signals. Conventional IIR filters and FIR filters are highly envolved. In general They are computional algorithms requiring definite delay between input and the outputs. However long tailed noise such as exponentional and laplasion distribution noise are difficult to remove using conventional linear filters.

Median filters are a class of non linear filters having advantages

1.   Capability to remove long tailed noise

2.   Capability to preserve edge information


The most desirable property of median filters is that they are based on signal “sorting and selection operations”. No Computation is involved. Therefore, they are the most suitable for real time VLSI.


1.   Image processing

2.   Communication networks







    Some Projects For B.E students


 A zero voltage switch (ZVS) DC link, single-phase, pulse width-modulated voltage source inverter (VSI) is proposed. Operating principle and various operating intervals of the converter are presented and analyzed. Design consideration is discussed and a design example of experimental results from a laboratory model is also presented.

In proposed ZVS DC link technique, the switch voltage is clamped to the dc link voltage and PWM scheme can be used to control the inverter output voltage. The PWM modulation scheme is modified to obtain optimum system performance and to achieve ZVS at different power factor loads.

The design procedure is illustrated with a design example. An experiment prototype laboratory model 300V, 120V, 60HZ VSI operating at 50KHZ is implemented using MOSFET and IGBTs. Experimental results confirm the theory and show the soft switching characteristics of the proposed VSI.













48, North Street, Aranarai, Perambalur, Tamil Nadu, India.                 Email ID:,

                                                                                                               Phone: 9345276362,




               FPGA Implementation of data acquisition for power system


The power plant monitoring and control system by implementing data Acquistion is mainly to collect the real time parameters and to control if it exceeds the pre-defined value. Implementation of this project in a power plant is to monitor and control the real time temperature , power, intruder security, water level. Whenever the real time variable obtained goes the threshold value designed, the power plant operation is automatically shut down to avoid hazard condition.


















48, North Street, Aranarai, Perambalur, Tamil Nadu, India.                 Email ID:,

                                                                                                               Phone: 9345276362,







The project titled ``SPEED CONTROL OF INDUCTION MOTOR USING ZIGBEE TECHNOLOGY” is a port of wireless automation. In this project we are going to speed of three phase induction motor from remote. Here, the speed of the induction motor is going to be control from Remote by variable frequency control technique known as V/f control technique, in which natural Pulse Width Modulation technique is used to drive voltage source inverter. The inverter driver circuit is commanded from remote by using zigbee   technology using PIC Pulse generator. The command is programmed on PC and then encoded & fed to Zigbee transmitter from remote. The receiver will sense the command and further decoding it provides to the PIC pulse generator .The signal received from pulse generator is amplified by driver circuit and fed to the VSI inverter.












48, North Street, Aranarai, Perambalur, Tamil Nadu, India.                 Email ID:,

                                                                                                               Phone: 9345276362,





   The project ‘’EMBEDDED BASED RADIO FREQUENCY SPEED CONTROL OF DC MOTOR’’ is used to varying Speed of The dc motor. It is need a DC  to  DC  converter is a Circuit Which converts a source of direct current (DC) from one voltage Level to Another.

  Linear regulators output can only in low in low voltage From the Input.

  They are very inefficient if the voltage drop is large and the Current high as they dissipate as heat, a power equal To the product of the output current and the voltage drop; Consequently are not normally used for large-drop high-current Application. It is practically if the current is low, the power Dissipated being small, although it may still be a large fraction of The total power consumed. Simple regulator power supply used For higher currents. A transformer generates a voltage when Rectified, is a little higher than that needed to bias the linear Regulator. A High frequency MOSFET as the power electronics switch, It reduces switching losses. A 230V, 3000 rpm D.C loads to Demonstrate the converters application in speed control. The simulation Of the code where done in keil IDE pack. A second Module remote Control machine by using the 8 relays. It  is to be control 8 machines Remotely.   




                             DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF 89S52 BASED UPS

Perambalur (



UPS control using micro controller is highly reliable less complex and economical when compared the conventional UPS system. This paper explains about the design and implementation of UPS using micro controller. The micro controller is mainly used for control applications. So, micro controller is used for this proposed work. The main function of the UPS (uninterrupted power supply) is to provide an uninterrupted power supply and it should function automatically when the mains supply cutoff. This automatic function in the conventional UPS is done by control system. It involves certain complex work. So, in this proposed work, micro controller does the automation of the UPS. Some of the automatic functions to be done by the micro controller are overload protection, no load release, deep discharge cutoff and inverter operation.

There are different types of micro controller families. In this proposed work, the micro controller-89S52 because of its high on chip ROM capacity, RAM capacity, serial ports, input ports, etc. The micro controller 89S52 is superior in its memory capacity. This micro controller is best suited for fast development. Since flash memory can be erased in few seconds compared to the twenty minutes or more needed for the 8751. By this, 89S51 is used to eliminate the waiting time needed to erase the chip and thereby speedup the development time. It is a 40 pin micro controller in which 3 pins are used for serial interfacing, i.e., one acts as receiver another acts a transmitter and the third as ground. By this we can interface any components serially, it has 4 ports, port 0, port 1,port 2 and port 3 and it is used for various functions of UPS such as on load release, deep discharge cutoff and so on. This micro controller can be operated at high frequencies and it consumes low power. Thus it is ideal for many projects.

There are different types of UPS. They are OFF line UPS and ON line UPS. This paper focuses on the design of Offline UPS. Because it is mostly prepared than ON line UPS. For example, it finds its application in the household appliances, a personal computer, and so on.

The transistors used in this UPS design are replaced, as MOSFET’S because of its certain special features are positive temperature coefficient so that it has high current carrying capability. It has low switching losses and the MOSFET turn on and turn off can be obtained rapidly. Also it is easily available and has switching performance.


         The conventional UPS system involves complex control system. In order to reduce the complexity of the control  system of conventional UPS embedded controller are currently being used. This project describes the design and implementation of  1KVA UPS using micro controller. The micro controller used here are AT89C51 because of its high memory capacity. The type of UPS involved in our project is OFF LINE UPS.

            An UPS is one, which provides uninterrupted power to the load. UPS is essential for computers, data processors, data transmitters, microwave relay station, Nuclear reactor control, etc., There are two major types of UPS. They are ON LINE UPS and OFF LINE UPS. The off line-UPS are one that supplies power during the commercial power failure and the charge over takes place through relay automatically. The ON LINE UPS is one, which virtually free from dips, fluctuations as it works on the battery all the time irrespective of the commercial power failure. This project describes the design of OFF LINE UPS because of its extensive use.




     Output Power          :- 1 KVA

     Output Voltage       :- 230V

     Output Frequency  :- 50Hz

      Battery input        :- 12V, 120AH

      Battery used         :- Lead acid Battery

      Charging Time      :- 8 Hours

      Discharging Time  :- 4 hours

      Type of UPS           :- OFF LINE UPS     



   In this project N- Channel MOSFET (IRFZ44) is used. Banks of MOSFET’s are used and they are connected in parallel fashion. Also, while connecting in parallel the layout should be symmetrical. During paralleling the gate of the MOSFET’s should not connected directly and it should be connected through resistors, which is called ferrite bead resistor. The drain source resistance of the MOSFET should be equal else it will cause thermal stabilizing effect. Also the drain source resistance greatly depends upon the dimension. At low voltages the Rds (on) of MOSFET is low. But it becomes high when the current is high.



             VDSS                      :- 55V

             Rds (on)          :- 17.5mW

             ID                     :- 49A     

  The special features of IRFZ44 are,

§  Ultra Low on Resistance

§  Fast switching

Why MOSFET, why not Power transistor?

  Low switching losses,

  Drive power required is low,

  High current carrying capability,

  Low voltage (4V) is required to turn on the MOSFET and energy efficient,

  Self commutating, and

  Reliable and can be operated at hazardous condition.



              Battery is one of the major components of Battery. There are two major types of UPS. They are (1) Primary Batteries and (2) Secondary Batteries. The primary batteries are not chargeable. Some of the major types of primary batteries are Carbon Zinc, Alkaline, lithium cells and so on., The rechargeable batteries are most widely used type. Some of the major types of batteries are Ni-Cd, Lead acid batteries, Ni-Cd, NiMH, Rechargeable alkaline and Lithium ion. Recharging it can reuse these types of batteries. Of these types Lead acid batteries are mostly preferred because both the battery product and the manufacturing process are proven, economical and reliable. The lead acid batteries are discovered during 1950 and it is the most widely used battery in the world. Lead acid batteries remain popular because they can produce high and low currents. The reaction which occur inside the lead acid batteries are

      PbO2+Pb+H2So4 ® 2 PbSo4 + 2H2O

      When lead acid battery is discharged beyond certain limits, sulfation will occur and it results in permanent failure of the battery. Connecting deep discharge cut off circuit can prevent this. The indication for this sulfation is, the positive plate becomes light brown and the negative plates will become dull, off white.


          Battery has to be charged by a charger through supply mains. A lead acid battery should have 2.1V per cell when fully charged and while discharging it should be around 1.8V per cell else it will cause permanent damage to the battery. The charging and discharging of a battery is ideal at 12 hours rate which means that a 120AH battery is to be charged or discharged at 120/12 =10 amps rate. A 120AH battery when discharged at 10A rate will take 120/10 =12 hours to be completely discharged. But in practice it is observed that the battery will get discharged within about 11 ½ hours. In other words higher is the discharge rate the lower will be the capacity.   



         The micro controller is one of the major components in this design. It performs various control actions. There are different families of micro controller. This design uses AT89C51, which belongs to 8051 families. It is a 40 pin micro controller, which has 4 ports, and each takes 8 pins. Rest pins are designated for Vcc, GND, XTAL1 and XTAL2. The major advantages of 89C51 are high memory capacity, on chip ROM in the form of flash memory. In this design the various control actions to be done by the micro controller are

          (1) Deep discharge cut off

            (2) No load Release

            (3) Over voltage and under voltage cut off

            (4) Inverter operation

       Programming on the ports can do these functions.





         When there is no load across the secondary terminals of inverter transformer T2 (0-230-600V as output tapping), its voltage shoots up to 290V. A sensing transformer (T1) which is connected across 0-230V tapping of T2, the output of this transformer is rectified by the rectifier circuit and filtered by L-C filter to smoothen the output of the filter is given to a non inverting terminal of the op-amp and the op-amp gives the logic “1”as output during no load condition. For normal loaded condition, output of the op-amp will be logic “0”. When the output is 1, switch off signal is send to the micro controller.



        This circuit prevents the battery from deep discharge. There will be a preset value set by the potentiometer PR1 that is connected to the inverted terminal of the op-amp 741. When the battery voltage drops below the preset value output of the op-amp will be logic ”1” which is indicated by LED glow. When LED glows, then a switch off signal is send to micro controller.



       The circuit is built by op-amp 741. This circuit operates when low voltage occurs in the battery. The glow of the LED is the indication of the low voltage of the battery. The circuit is mainly involved while operating the inverter on the PC. By this indication the programmer can safely shut down the system safely after saving the programs.






UPS control using micro controller is highly reliable less complex and economical when compared the conventional UPS system. This paper explains about the design and implementation of UPS using micro controller. The micro controller is mainly used for control applications. So, micro controller is used for this proposed work. The main function of the UPS (uninterrupted power supply) is to provide an uninterrupted power supply and it should function automatically when the mains supply cutoff. This automatic function in the conventional UPS is done by control system. It involves certain complex work. So, in this proposed work, micro controller does the automation of the UPS. Some of the automatic functions to be done by the micro controller are overload protection, no load release, deep discharge cutoff and inverter operation.

There are different types of micro controller families. In this proposed work, the micro controller-89S52 because of its high on chip ROM capacity, RAM capacity, serial ports, input ports, etc. The micro controller 89S52 is superior in its memory capacity. This micro controller is best suited for fast development. Since flash memory can be erased in few seconds compared to the twenty minutes or more needed for the 8751. By this, 89S51 is used to eliminate the waiting time needed to erase the chip and thereby speedup the development time. It is a 40 pin micro controller in which 3 pins are used for serial interfacing, i.e., one acts as receiver another acts a transmitter and the third as ground. By this we can interface any components serially, it has 4 ports, port 0, port 1,port 2 and port 3 and it is used for various functions of UPS such as on load release, deep discharge cutoff and so on. This micro controller can be operated at high frequencies and it consumes low power. Thus it is ideal for many projects.

There are different types of UPS. They are OFF line UPS and ON line UPS. This paper focuses on the design of Offline UPS. Because it is mostly prepared than ON line UPS. For example, it finds its application in the household appliances, a personal computer, and so on.

The transistors used in UPS design are replaced, as MOSFET’S because of its certain special features as positive temperature coefficient so that it has high current carrying capability. It has low switching losses and the MOSFET turn on and turn off can be obtained rapidly. Also it is easily available and has switching performance.

         The conventional UPS system involves complex control system. In order to reduce the complexity of the control  system of conventional UPS embedded controller are currently being used. This project describes the design and implementation of 1KVA.


VLSI design Based Three phase power Inverter Gating

A three phase inverter is a common unit found in industrial drives meant for control of induction motors. Convention gating circuit meant for gating of inverters has the following problems.

  1. Circuit Delays. Large complicated circuits running at very high frequencies have one big problem to tackle - the problem of delays in propagation of signals through gates and wires ... even for areas a few micrometers across! The operation speed is so large that as the delays add up, they can actually become comparable to the clock speeds.  
  1. Power. Another effect of high operation frequencies is increased consumption of power. This has two-fold effect - devices consume batteries faster, and heat dissipation increases. Coupled with the fact that surface areas have decreased, heat poses a major threat to the stability of the circuit itself.  
  1. Layout. Laying out the circuit components is task common to all branches of electronics. What's so special in our case is that there are many possible ways to do this; there can be multiple layers of different materials on the same silicon, there can be different arrangements of the smaller parts for the same component and so on.  

    This project demonstrates the use of a VLSI kit for the gating of three phase inverter in different modes.


  • No temperature drift of tuning parameters
  • Component count dramatically reduced resulting in higher Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)
  • Enclosure density and size dramatically reduced.
  • Fewer wiring connections.
  • All tuning and adjustments are made in software thus hardware adjustments which are error prone and not easily reversible are not required